Harry was so thrilled to not have to learn a foreign language for his mission, but we noticed right a way that he was speaking a different English than before he left.
He talks in
£ not $ (I couldn't even find the symbol on my laptop)
we live in a place called essex filled with "
chavs," look it up xD
flat is so
posh! (a flat is an apartment)
its like
23 degrees not 80 mom. that's ridiculous ;3 lol, it's measured in
celsi over here :)
hope you have a
lovely rest of the week!!
cushy mate ;D that means, everything is good :)
so do you mean
chips like fries or chips like
crisps?... i speak english now
reading out loud is
i've been having a
grand ole time!
:D don't you worry bout a thing :)
bruv. just keep everything nice n
cushty. xD i so wish you were here to observe essex and all of its... essexness.
everything is good :) and my
trousers fit totally fine, no need to worry. and why on earth did we spend so much on my trousers back home?? you can get
proper posh trousers for 10 or 15 quid over here. quid means pounds btw. local lingo for you ;p and yes, i
quite like my plaid shirt! Thank you :DDD i've had such a
lovely time as of late.
>:p why? Do they just feel like wasting all of our
petrol ;p that's dumb.
you should totally read Alma 34, it's choc' full of jolly good stuff. lol, no one actually says that here. well, here in Essex anyway. maybe elsewhere? whatever, Queen's English.

oh goodness p-day. oh i could go on and on xD p-day was beautiful!! we went to the lakeside mall with (almost) the whole zone! :D it's like, a proper mall, which doesn't happen often over here. anyway, i had TACO BELL!!!!! it's so not even as near as good over here, but it was quite nice :D and i had cinnabon as well... bleh ;p it was super good tho :) but yeah! :D and! most importantly!!! I got a proper english suit!!! xDD YES! :D super posh, way nicer than the ones i have xD and suits don't have to be plain black btw, in any way. it's a quite slim-fit suit and it's a nice grey :) super posh. i love it :) fits like magic.
We bought Harry the two suits required, 7 shirts, like 5 extra pairs of pants, the socks, the ties-everything the booklet about his mission said he should have.We dragged him out shopping. He has never liked to shop.
I'm glad he is finding his own style even if it's a little flashy for me.