2 Nephi 22 : 2

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

And Then He Was Home

Harry flew into Sacramento. April 23. The kids had made signs and had a great time running back and forth between windows, holding them up so he would be sure to see them.

It was such a long day for him, filled with great joy to be home but some sadness to have left his beloved London.

Its been nearly a year since...and with his mission behind him...a new chapter in his life begins.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

When He Gets Home

APRIL 23, 2014

What is he looking forward to?

I do intend to eat Taco Bell, Panda Express, Olive Garden, and El Rosal, within the first month back home. Just so you're ready ;P In terms of groceries to have... i don't know! because i kind of don't really remember what i should miss. But i do miss elbows! and chicken fried steak. And tacos. And fake mashed potatoes. And biscuits and gravy! And REAL MILKSHAKES. That would be awesome. Add Velvet Creamery to the list of places i'd like to go ;3 they don't do milkshakes over here, and even the ones they try to do are so awful! I don't understand why either, cuz they're not like difficult to make or something. Don't know. But i miss them

Also! Can i have an iphone? Is this an option? Cuz i've all of a sudden become very jealous of people's iphones, as i only have a nokia brick that costs £5. I had a dream i was on my iphone, i consider this to be prophecy, i hope you'll assist my in the fulfillment thereof.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

The Life of a Missionary

so today. today is London P-Day, and i also had to do lots and lots of cleaning today so my mission president's wife will be satisfied with our flat. Missionaries are FILTHY! true. so generally i have to clean up after generations of missionaries having lived in a flat. so yeah ;P not lots of time to email! :( but i do love you! ;) let's see. a family in the ward. today you'll hear about the Cobbs family! Consisting of Dad from America, Mom from (used to be) Czechoslovakia, and three daughters! Oldest is like 17 or so, then, i think like 12, and 10? potentially. anyway, the two younger ones are like nuts about gymnastics, and every time we go there they do some crazy gymnastics stuff! It's cool! and yeah, they're fun and we like them. we're going to their house on friday to bake a
cake for one of their birthdays! also. yesterday. was awesome! first. i gave a talk. FIRST TALK IN MY WHOLE MISSION. whoa! i've avoided it for 22 months! not intentionally, it just never happened. i've been assigned three times before but twice i moved areas before i had to give it, and the other there was no time left in sacrament meeting for me to give it. weird! But yeah, i killed it, everyone said it was just wonderful ;P bishop said they might ask me to speak again before i leave because he liked it. sounds alright! and then! in the evening..... WE HOSTED A FIRESIDE! so cool! first time i've used any amount of my theatre skills on my mission. we did several skits and things, the mission president was there, we had some Q&A, the missionary band was there, and it was just fantastic! One of the best experiences of my mission for sure. The subject was serving a mission, meant to give a real glimpse into missionary life to encourage the youth to serve missions. so it wasn't all pink and glittery, but a real impression of what it's like. and we threw a fair amount of humor in there. they loved it! but yes, i have to leave now, but I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D write again next week! bye! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, February 17, 2014


What's Harry up to now that he's been released from leadership and is once again a regular missionary? Just as he did at the beginning of his mission, he's Baking CAKES!

Well...and playing with swords.

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Knowing a Little of a Different Language

Our family was so glad Harry was sent to an English speaking country so he wouldn't have to learn a foreign language. Little did we know that he was being sent to an English speaking country where he would have to learn lots of different languages.

i've met two people from Botswana this week! it was so cool. it's this little country from north of South Africa (well, i guess nothing is south of South Africa.) and i've never met anyone from there before! anyway, when i met the second lady, i gave her the phone number of the first one, and she called her right then and there, and the other lady came to meet us! so cool! they were very happy to have met each other. such a cool miracle!

and i met a lady from Ghana, i said hello how are you, and my name is elder larsen to her in her language. she freaked out, she was so happy to hear someone speaking her language! i love doing that. anyway, then before we left, i said God bless you in her language as well, and she gave me two referrals, people who work at her hairdresser. and we met them and we're teaching all three of them now! so yeah, i've loved my week!

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

He's Really in England

Big Ben

The Eye

London Bus

The Tube

Post! (It took me awhile to figure out he meant mail.)

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Happy Birthday

YouTube Video

Chinatown for my birthday!!!!!

we ate chinese buffet at Mr Wu's. i ate way too much ;p

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