2 Nephi 22 : 2

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song...

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Companion and 4 Baptisms

From President Renn M. Patch,
President England London Mission:

We are pleased to let you know that your son, Elder Harald Douglas Charles Larsen, has arrived in the England London Mission. He seems very happy to be here, and is anxious to get to work. We are excited to have him here and look forward to getting to know him better.

Soon after he arrived, we introduced him to his first companion, Elder Maryan Boysyuk. He is a wonderful young man and one of our very best missionaries. Elder Boysyuk will teach your son the joy of sharing the gospel. They have been assigned to work in the Romford area in the Romford zone.

 Here are some excepts from Harry's first letters. I know it's a lot to read. If you don't want to take the time just read what's in bold text- you'll get the gist.

 Elder Boysyuk trained Harry for 12 weeks.
He's ukranian!!!!!!
elder boysyuk has three sisters and a brother :3 he's the youngest tho ;) one of his sisters got baptized while he's been on his mission! but no one else is a member, they're catholic :3 ukraine is apparently very orthodox :o he used to be a boxer, and a welder, and in construction... he's done many things with his life :3 he's 27 by the way! he wants to be a pilot when he gets back! he always comments on the huge "machines" in the sky ;pp it's quite funny. he's a funny guy, i love him to death :)

Harry doesn't use much punctuation just a lot of smiley faces and winks. :) ;) :D ;3 ;p xD

Anyway, Elder Boysyuk worked him very hard.

ive done more walking in the past week than i have in my whole entire life,

and oh my goodness, you don't know how much yardwork we've done xD in fact, we're about to go do more right now!!!! and i installed a television?...


and mom... i'm a real missionary now. i ride a bike. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW RIDICULOUS RIDING A BIKE HERE IS!!! i scoff at the bike riding i did while out with the missionaries back home, this is insane!!! But i'm getting super fit ;p so it's good! it's an attitude thing! I was REBUKED by my ward mission leader when i kinda complained about it a little bit, and he gave this whole lesson moments later on agency, and how someone can take away every basic physical choice you can make in life like what you wear, how you dress, when you sleep... but they can never take away your choice to be happy or have a good attitude. So i took that as a sign to get over it and be happy about my bike ;3

And because we've been fasting as of late ;pp i'm so bad at fasting. it's not even funny how driven by food i am. without food i am NOTHING. because usually i can use spiritual energy and physical (food) energy throughout the day, but fasting just leaves me to completely rely on the spirit. so by the end of the day i am absolutely completely drained of all everything everything ever. no reserves, no nothing!

In his first month, Harry (and Elder Boysyuk) baptized FOUR people

FINALLY A REAL MISSIONARY!!!!!!!!!!! AND GUESS WHAT?!?!?!??!?! HAD MY FIRST BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Samira :DDDDDDDD we baptized her in a chair cuz she has bad knees!!!! it took two times, but we got it done! and i was in the water too because we needed help to tip her back!

We baptized a family of three this week!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! four baptisms on my mission so far :D gomlath ralalage dilani kumudini menike, virigirege minod hasmitha hashiya srikantha, and virisirege gangul methushal srikantha! that was from memory btw ;) They're from sri lanka and they're so cool!!

I know! I know! You wish there were pictures. Me too. Elder Boysyuk kept Harry so busy he never had time to send pictures. He tells me he took some- I hope so.

So here's a cartoon by Arie Van De Graaf

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