2 Nephi 22 : 2

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Faith of a Missionary

After this past week's Relief Society lesson (don't you just LOVE George Albert Smith?) I wrote to Harry:

I've always thought i had plenty of faith and that I understood it... until you went on your mission. I worry all the time and miss you so much- its like I've lost my faith in the Lord a little bit. I'm having a hard time having faith that he is taking care of you. Soooo this week I'm gonna be studying faith and praying to have it.

His response:

And mom, silly silly mom. I would like to quote scripture to you from the blessed book of St John. It's in John 2:4, Jesus talking to his mom. "Woman, what have I to do with thee?" ;) I find it very silly that you think you lack faith, because your faith is what got me out here in the first place! faith doesn't mean you won't worry, it doesn't mean you won't think about it, it just means that you trust in the Lord enough to DO it. Faith is a principle of ACTION. and you're quite an active person in the gospel :) you trust in the Lord enough to let your favorite child go all the way across the world for two years. (see how i sneaked that favorite in there? clever, huh?) anyway! I love you :) and it is always good to continue to increase your faith. that's the whole point of being here! :D developing, growing, making mistakes, learning, becoming more Christlike, etc. So i do encourage you to study it out :) but know that you have faith, don't ever doubt it :) and I have faith in you as well! So we can help each other out, yeah? ;) The Lord will open the way if we exercise our faith.

And it reminded me of all the times Harry has pulled me out from underneath a dark cloud of "poor me". He's just THAT kinda guy. Positive. Happy. FAITHFUL!

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